1- Free consultation: 30 minute minute real life or online meeting to see what the possibilities are for your balcony.
2- planning. Email me pictures of your balcony and I will produce a hand drawn sketch and a plan personalized for you. €50
3- A 30minute online/ real life visit consultation followed up by a ‘balcony pack’ that includes a sketch,plan and planting recommendations plus links to where to buy them. €100
4- starter balcony. After planning I can create your balcony for you. I can come to your property with the containers, compost and baby plants/seeds, establish them in place so all you have to do is water and love them. €300
5- beautiful balcony. As above but with mature plants that create an instant effect. €400
6 - edible balcony. As above with edible plants and vegetables. €500 and up