Aim: the customer wanted an edible balcony for shade that makes good use of vertical surfaces. The plants are quite small right now- will keep you updated
Before shots above and below with crowded plants in old soil, the plants are not growing well
Another before photo, showing empty planter box, where the customer thought nothing could grow. The balcony is crowded with furniture.
Above, overview of plan.We came up with a plan based on shade loving salad plants, mints and climbers.
Here we are Unterwegs dragging them through the park
We simplified the balcony with symmetrical benches, planted up the front with Morning Glory, Red Sorrel and sowed Morning glory seeds. We re-potted the existing Rosemary plant with new soil in a bigger pot so it can fulfill its potential.
Close up of Tatsoi ( a Japanese salad plant) and mixed lettuce. We put boxes in brackets on the walls.
We installed a trellis and Purple Violetta Beans are beginning to climb on it
Over view of after, these plants are still babies! will update you in a month or so you can see the transformation...